Ron Duncan Hart

Ron Duncan Hart, Ph.D. is a cultural anthropologist from Indiana University, an author and filmmaker. He did postdoctoral work on Jewish history at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford. He is Director of the Institute for Tolerance Studies.

Duncan Hart studied with David Bidney, Robert Chazan, Jeremy Cohen, and John Messenger and others at Indiana University and later Jewish studies at the University of Oxford on issues of Judaism and culture .

His research includes  the American South, South America, Spain, and North Africa with a focus on issues of racism, antisemitism, and religious exclusivism  between Jews, Christians, and Muslims .

Duncan Hart's recent  books Jewish life are:
* Evangelicals and MAGA: The Politics of Grievance a Half Century in the Making. 2024.
* Jews and the Arab World: Intertwined Legacies. 2020. Best Book Award
* Crypto-Jews
: The Long Journey 2020. 
* Sephardic Jews: History, Religion and People
. 2016. Finalist Best Book Award.
* Fractured Faiths: Spanish Judaism, the Inquisition and New World Identities 2016.   Best Book Award.

He is a past University Vice-President, Dean of Academic Affairs, and department chair, having taught anthropology at Georgia State University, the University of the Andes in Bogotá, and InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico. He also worked in South America with UNICEF, the Ford Foundation and other international agencies. He has received awards from the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Endowment for the Arts, the National Science Foundation, Ford Foundation, and Fulbright among others.

His invited lecturerships include:

*Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Brandeis University

* St. John's College

* Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies

* Neustadt Lecturer on Judaic Studies (Oklahoma City University)

* Schlezinger Lecturer on Jewish legal history (Ohr Kodesh in Chevy Chase)

* National Labor Relations Board (US)

* Tulane University

* Berry College

* Xinjiang University (Urumqi, China)

* National University (Bogotá, Colombia) among others.


Photo of Ron Duncan Hart Courtesy of Cinewest

Films by Duncan Hart

Go to the Jewish Learning Channel
for Videos on Jewish Life by Duncan Hart.

Spanish Jews

Spanish Jews: the Inquision, Expulsion..

Crypto-Jews: The Long Journey

Jewish Toledo

Jewish Segovia

Jewish Girona

Jews in Morocco

Jewish Casablanca

Brit Milah Moroccan Style

Jewish Marrakesh

Hilloula for Tzadik Rabbi Amram ben Diwan

Vanessa Paloma Talks on Memory and Orality and Jewish Life in Marrakesh

Casablanca Purim

Jewish Lives & Stories from the American Southwest

Jewish History in New Mexico

Early Jews in New Mexico

Crypto-Jews, B'nei Anusim
& the Return to Judaism Movement

Sephardic Ancestry & Spanish Citizenship

Conversos y Tacos -- Peter Svarzbein & the Kosher Taco Truck

Hear the Stories of Those Who Have Returned to Judaism

-- Sonya Loya, Aliyah to Israel

-- John Garcia, From Catholicism to Judaism

-- Blanca Carrasco, On her Involvement in the Jewish Community

-- Margarita Sosa Munoz, Her Jewish experience

The Thoughts of Rabbis
& Others

-- Rabbi Stephen Leon, Judaism

-- Rabbi Daniel Mehlman, Israel and Galut


He can be contacted at

Institute for Tolerance Studies
P.O. Box 23924
Santa Fe, NM 87502

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Click Here to See
Films by Duncan Hart


Awards and Recognition

* National Endowment for the Humanities
* National Endowment for the Arts
* National Science Foundation
* Ford Foundation
* Fulbright
* Dr. Allan P. and Leona Hurst Award 2014.
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society
(For outstanding contributions to New Mexico Jewish history)


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